A fence can add privacy, enhance property value, and improve curb appeal. It can also protect the health and safety of those on your property. Local zoning regulations often determine the type of fence you can install on your property. These include regulations about height and materials. Wood fences require regular maintenance, such as re-staining or painting. Some types of wood are more prone to moisture damage than others, like cedar, spruce, and pine. Toughness Toughness is a material property that indicates how much energy the material can absorb before fracture. It is a combination of strength and plasticity. The toughness of a material can be determined by calculating the area under the stress-strain curve. A tough material can withstand hard blows without rupturing and will deform rather than crack, making it useful in heavy-wear applications such as quarry loaders. While toughness is often used interchangeably with ductility, the two properties are distinct from each...