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Showing posts with the label Lock change services

Lock Change Services

 Changing your locks is one of the best ways to secure your home. This is especially important if you are moving into a new house or apartment where previous owners or tenants may still have access. Rekeying your locks will change the tumblers so they no longer accept old keys. This is a less expensive option than replacing your locks. Rekeying Whether you need to Lock change services  or simply want to upgrade your security, we can help. Changing the internal mechanism of your lock so that it only opens with a different key is called rekeying. This is a less expensive option than replacing the entire lock and can be done quickly and efficiently. Homeowners often rekey their locks when they move into a new property to ensure that the previous owners or tenants don’t have access. It’s also a good idea to rekey your home if you lose a key. Items may disappear from your property without any signs of break-in, and it’s possible that someone has a copy of the key and is using it to