The Importance of Indoor Air Quality Testing
Everyone wants to live or work in a clean environment, but
many people don’t realize just how important good air quality is. Poor air
quality can lead to headaches, fatigue, allergies, asthma, irritated eyes and
skin, and even more serious health effects such as cancer.
A variety of things can cause poor indoor air quality testing,
including chemicals from cleaning products and paints, radon gas, dust mites,
pet dander, smoke, mold growth, and more. These pollutants are often a result
of human activity, but they can also be the result of faulty construction and
building materials, old appliances, or the use of certain medications.
Symptoms of Poor Air Quality
Some symptoms of poor air quality are easy to recognize,
such as runny noses, irritated eyes, and itchy skin. Other signs are less
obvious, but just as dangerous. These include moisture condensation on windows
or walls, a musty odor, dirty central heating and air equipment, books,
furniture, or clothes that appear to have been exposed to water or mildew.
Symptoms of poor air quality may also be caused by
biological or chemical contaminants, such as bacteria, viruses, allergens
(dander, pollen, etc.), volatile organic compounds, or toxins from asbestos and
radon. People’s reactions to these substances vary greatly from one person to
the next, and a reaction to one of these contaminants can be as short-lived as
an allergy attack or as long-lasting as chronic respiratory conditions like

Medical Conditions
It’s also worth noting that some people, such as infants and
those with preexisting medical conditions, are at a higher risk of suffering
from the effects of bad air quality. This is why it’s especially important for
people in these groups to get their indoor air tested on a regular basis.
There are many ways that people can improve their indoor air
quality. For example, they can install UV light air purifiers and use low-VOC
cleaning products. They can also make sure their ventilation systems are
working properly, and they should open the windows in their home on a regular
basis to let fresh air in.
They can even purchase an air-sampling device to test their
own indoor air for specific contaminants. However, the best way to ensure that
a property’s indoor air is as healthy and safe as possible is to book an indoor
air quality test with Service Today. Our professionals are located near you and
can assist with residential, commercial, and industrial locations. For more
information, give us a call today!
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